Monday, November 19, 2012

Countdown to Gmail

By this time next week, everyone will be using Gmail.  This is a good time to remind you about a couple things.  We are using a Google Apps for Education account; however, with any email system, you should not expect privacy.  Also, electronic information is subject to FERPA requests, so you want to consider carefully the type of information that you should include.  A good rule is to never send anything you would not want to be read publicly.

There are guidelines in place regarding the transmission of student information in Policy 667-R - Staff acceptable use agreement which you can click here to review.

Click here for more Email Guidelines:

Remember that you can find tips about Gmail at Tech 101—click on Email.

Now... for some is a link that I used to get some ideas about labs to add to my account: Top Ten Labs You Should Enable. Check it out!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to LOGOUT of Gmail after each use to ensure that the next person who logs in to Gmail will not be logged in to your account!

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