Monday, May 13, 2013

Take a look, it's in a book...

SOL Testing is in full swing, and we have to do our best to conserve Internet Bandwidth.

Here are some examples that will give you an idea of what you should and shouldn't do:

Watching a Youtube video showing an INSTRUCTIONAL video about energy resources - COOL
Watching a Youtube video showing an angry Honey Badger - NOT COOL

Playing  "SOL Pass" review games as part of SOL review - COOL
Playing "Cool Math Games" (which are neither particularly cool, nor particularly math related) just for fun - NOT COOL

Reading a book when finished with a project - COOL
Randomly surfing the Internet when finished with a project - NOT COOL

That's right, Books!  No batteries, no bulbs, no Bandwidth!

But don't fear, I'm not totally giving up on technology just yet.  There are some tools that can help you and your students find some wonderful books.

Here are some great resources for helping young adult readers find books from the ALA:

Reading Rainbow is still around, too.  LeVar Burton is still sharing resources with teachers and parents.

Not enough time to run down to the library?  You can go straight to Harrisonburg's online card catalog Destiny and search for your self.

And don't even get me started talking about the great libraries and great librarians here in Harrisonburg!  They would love to help you and your students find some great books!

So, as you are planning to save bandwidth, don't forget about this old technology that can save bandwidth and let readers "go anywhere!"


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