Monday, February 14, 2011

In the Shape of a Heart

There are many reasons that people dislike Valentine's Day... The phony romance, the constant chocolate eating, the confusion of physical attraction for love, the commercialism, Chaucer's total mis-characterization of the feast of Saint Valentine's Day... need I go on?

But as for me, I am a romantic... In fact my wife still has the plastic flowers I gave her last year for Valentines Day... and if you've ever seen me with a sleeve of Thin Mints and a gallon of milk, you know how much I love chocolate! And hey, commercialism is good for the economic recovery, right?

No... for me, the thing that wrecks Valentine's day is the gross misrepresentation of the human heart... you know what I'm talking about... cute, pink, and symmetrical... Well let me tell you something, the human heart is neither cute, nor pink, nor symmetrical! We are sending our students off to med school and on the first day of Heart Surgery 101 they won't even know what a heart really looks like!

If you want to help stop this travesty against the real shape of the human heart, check out The Virtual Heart. It give you a great 3D view of what the human heart really looks like!

Happy Valentine's Day!

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