Thursday, December 15, 2016

Assessment Fun!

Assessment Fun?  Really?  You can make assessments engaging and collaborating so students are learning but having fun.  Below are several different interactive assessments that you can use and they are quick and easy to create and for students to join.  Don't forget we have Power Test, formerly known as Interactive Achievement and Google Forms + Flubaroo.  Ask your friendly ITRT about any of these on-line assessments.

Great fun on an early release day or the day before a holiday.

Quizlet & Quizlet Live - It is a set of flashcards.  You can either create your own or use ones that are already created.  Students can play various games with the sets or you can go to Quizlet Live and watch the fun begin.  Quizlet Live requires each student has a device.  The students are put into groups and each student has a set of answers for the question but only one of them has the correct one.  They have to discuss who has the right one and select.  Free sign up but can upgrade to Teacher which gives you more add ons, such as audio for your flashcards.  It can be used with computers or iPads.

Quizizz - Quizizz lets you set it up as a quiz or homework.  Like Quizlet, everyone signs in with a code.  Everyone sees the questions on their device and answers so students work at their own pace but still play together.  You can create memes for right and wrong answers and students can review the questions that they missed.

Kahoot - Students sign in using a code that is provided.  They have their own device or it can be used with one device per group and they collaborate.  Teachers show the question on the screen and students use their device to pick the right answer.  The answers corresponds to a color so the question and answers can be read to the students and they pick the correct color.  Kahoot is also coming up with a new game called Jumble.  Think of it as Kahoot on steroids.

Plickers - All you need is a device that has a Plickers app on it, such as a phone or an iPad and print out sheets of QR codes for each student, which can be done through their website.  You create questions and students hold up their QR code the way they want their answer to be.  Quick and easy.  Students do not need devices.

Socrative - Socrative is a quick and easy on-line assessment that is either for a computer or an app.  You can do on-the-fly questions with no preparation or you can create formative assessments that will be graded for you.  Very quick and easy

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