Monday, August 31, 2009

THE PLAY OF THE WEEK--Collecting Stats: Using Forms in Google Docs

How to create a form using Google Docs

You will need a google account before you get started.
Once you have logged in, click on the "more" menu on the page. Scroll down to Documents and click. Now you are ready to create a form.

-Click on New, then form.
-In the form template that opens, you can add any questions and options you'd like. Save the form.
-Click Email this form once you've finished adding your questions.
-Add the email addresses of the people to whom you want to send this form. ( I usually just send this email to myself, then from my HCPS email, I mail out an email that includes the web link to those who would need access to the form. Or, I post the link so that students can access the form.)
-Click Send.

As your form is filled in, the responses will appear in a spreadsheet that you can choose to share with others or keep for your personal records. You can also export the spreadsheet to excel.

Here's a sample form for you to see and try if you would like: Sample Form

I few things that I have learned from using google doc forms:
-If the URL to the online form is really long, use TinyURL to convert the long link to a shortened version.
-Select different themes to create a different look for your online surveys and assessments.
-Keep survey's short.

Also, Google Docs has many other wonderful tools that can be used in your classroom and for classroom management. Try sharing a document or spreadsheet within your department or grade level. I only wanted to highlight using forms. Feel free to ask your friendly ITRT for help in setting up an online form or any of the other google tools.

So...for this week's Play of the have a way to gather your stats for the big game!!!!

Have a great year!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much! I have used docs in Google before, but this was the first time I created a student survey which will translate to a spreadsheet. I love surveymonkey as well, but this will put ALL my school stuff in one handy, dandy location -- GOOGLE!


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